PREDANÉ - MARTIN land for rent, 5980m2 near center

Typ: nezaradený priestor
Okres: Martin
Obec: Martin
Plocha pozemku: 5980 m²

We are offering you for rent paved area of 5980 m2 in the premises of the former company ZŤS in Martin. Land is suitable as a parking lot - where you can park cars such as trucks, construction or other machinery. Otherwise it could be used as storage for containers. The building is fenced along three sides. Land dimensions: width - approx. 33 m and length - approx. 185 m. It is a flat area, with access path by cobblestones. Possibility of connection to electricity and water.

Price: negotiable

Please contact our Real Estate agent for more details at +421 919 325 265, Bc. Petra Vrtíková.

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